Monday, January 05, 2015

There is NO Magic Bullet

I love formulas.  Immediately upon receiving a spreadsheet, I begin to look for patterns and theorize algorithms to explain them.  Mathematics is so clean; one plus one equals two.

Working with people is an entirely different kettle of fish!  While many provide all kinds of psychological explanation for our behavior, the bottom line is that when people are involved there is no way to absolutely guarantee that one plus one equals two, or anything else for that matter.  A friend of mine, a Pastor, often joked with me that the job of Pastor would be a breeze . . . if it wasn't for the people.

When pulling onto the highway, some will graciously allow you room to merge and even blink their lights to let you know it is safe to proceed; others will see your merge as some kind of contest which they must win at all costs, speeding up to make sure you don't get ahead of them.

While boarding an airline some will help their fellow passengers with getting their luggage stored, others will selfishly take more than their allotted space in the storage bins and act as if it their right, even though others won't have space for their luggage.

At the church, some are faithful to serve and tithe, while others make every excuse why they cannot/will not, and complain about everything.

Don't even get me started about those who park illegally in handicapped parking.

Now, while the title of this post is that there is no magic bullet, I want to suggest that when it comes to dealing with people, there is, just not the one we would always like, you know the one where THEY straighten up and fly right!!  The magic bullet is prayer, not even prayer for them, although I'm confident they need it, but for yourself.  Prayer for understanding, compassion, and above all humility.

People are, and will always be, people: unpredictable, gracious, selfish, kind, mean, loving, hurtful.  the question isn't about them, but about YOU.

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