Wednesday, September 21, 2011

QBQ: The Question Behind the Question by John G. Miller is 115 pages in length.  But that is deceptive since the size of the book is a little smaller than normal, and it had widely spaced lines and LOTS of chapter breaks.  Additionally, the style is conversational and easy to read, so it reads like a 60 page book.

Who should read QBQ?  I think the book is a good read for any starting out leader, or anyone who wants to move into leadership.  Actually, I think this is the kind of book I would have forced on my children when they were growing up so that they would, hopefully, adopt the philosophy of personal accountability.  That is the real theme of the book:  personal accountability.  This quote forms the basis of the whole:  "The best thing we can do to get rid of victim thinking in our world is to get rid of it in ourselves." (p. 23)  Through a variety of illustrations and commentary Mr. Miller reiterates that theme over and over, reinforcing a concept which is sorely needed by everyone, particularly leaders.

This would make a great gift to a son or daughter, to a favorite niece or nephew, to the new hire at work, to your Pastor, your friend, your co-workers.  I am convinced if this material is taken to heart it could change a person's life and perhaps the world.  Of course that could be said about a lot of books, but still . . . .