Sunday, December 26, 2004

Christmas 2004 is almost over, I guess, technically, it is over as it is 12:20 AM on the 26th. The issues of leadership have continued to press themselves upon my awareness over the last few months. Leadership and management, while having some functions in common are not the same thing. What I see more often than not is individuals with some skill at management, to varying degrees, proving to be somewhat competent, and therefore, being perceived as being a leader. Leadership is one of the functions of management, however, it is leadership within the confines of the organizational blueprint - the smooth functioning of and incremental improvement of the organization along the path designated. This pseudoleadership is important to the organization, but must not be confused with true leadership. True leaders may have some competency in management, if the organization is lucky, but their primary function IS the future and the strategic plan. The plain truth is that anyone who can exhibit any aspect of leadership and the willingness to take on responsibility will eventually move up in thier company, or move to another where they can move up. This is because leadership is in short supply - everywhere.