Tuesday, March 08, 2016

The Creator

A recent scholarly article included that word, "Creator."  You would have thought the world was coming to the end in academic circles by the outcry.  The article was immediately retracted and excuses were offered up inferring poor translation and an imperfect review process.  The whole story was carried in the Chronicle of Higher Education with many weighing in on the inappropriate use of any term which would suggest the existence of a creator, intelligent design, or heaven forbid, God.

Such is the state of affairs in America.

But, that is all the reason for each one to intentionally stand up to be counted; to be light in the darkness.  The naysayers ( in popular parlance "haters") may bash a belief in God and ridicule those who hold such faith.  However, those who live by that very faith know a different truth.  Not only the reality of God, but the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who purchased our salvation and the daily presence of the Holy Spirit.  We can bring light to our circle of influence by simply showing love to those around us.  As in Elijah's day, there are far more people of faith in our world than we know or are being told.  Hold fast, hold up the Light, trust the Creator.