Thursday, January 29, 2015

Book Review: Leadership From the Inside Out, by Kevin Cashman

Leadership from the Inside Out, by Kevin Cashman.

I just finished listening to this leadership book by Kevin Cashman.  I found it in the audio section of my local library and thought it would be an interesting "read."  I was right, this was an interesting "read."  Because it was audio instead of print, I don't have quotes to share, but I can tell you that many times throughout the book I paused to make notes.  I also found myself thinking about what the author was sharing at various times and find that is has influenced my current behavior, which is the best recommendation a book can have.

The focus, as the title suggests, is on leadership from the inside out, i.e. start with yourself.  Obviously not a new concept but the book is full of practical ways to focus on various aspects of your leadership.  I  particularly appreciate the emphasis placed upon getting coaching for executives.  I worked at one institution where one or more of the executives caused so much disruption due to their leadership style that it effectively limited not only their own growth but the entire institution.  I highly recommend executive coaching for everyone in leadership positions, but especially for those who feel they are hitting a glass ceiling in their ability to grow personally or professionally.

Because this book is focused on the EQ of the leader, it will not be embraced by many who are looking for quick fixes or formulas for institutional or corporate growth.  Sad, because that growth comes from the productivity of highly effective people and sooner or later that comes down to their EQ.,

Definitely recommend.

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