- You can consciously choose your attitude, or
- If you neglect to consciously choose, your attitude will coast toward that of those around you, or,
- It will reflect your emotions, i.e. your emotions are in control of your attitude and responses.
That is the heart of the matter: three sources. Most people coast along with number two, reflecting the attitudes of those around them, unless something happens which sparks their emotions: they slam their finger in a drawer, their favorite team loses, etc. When this happens the attitude moves from a coast to a rollercoaster with the same stomach lurching results.
However, there are a few people who recognize they can choose their attitudes and reactions, in spite of peer pressure or emotional upsets. Think about where you work or the people you live with or around. Place each one in group 1 or 2 or 3 from the list above. Now which ones do you find most inspirational? most effective? well balanced? Happy?
It's not rocket science, choose your attitude.
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