Monday, November 03, 2014

It's Not Rocket Science - 4

You may be under the impression that it is your intelligence or experience which has gotten you to where you are today.  No doubt these things have played a role, however, probably far less a role than you might imagine.  The primary reason you have been placed in leadership is because you have been determined to have the right kind of skills to lead and work with PEOPLE.  That is, it is your PEOPLE skills which are primarily considered in almost every promotion.  No matter how competent you are, if you don't have a developed set of people skills, you won't get far, and may not even stay at the level you are currently at.

Some have called this emotional intelligence.  I have written about this before - See these posts:

Whatever you call it, these skills are the hallmark of great leaders.  My experience is that most people think they have great people skills while few actually do.  Do yourself a favor and pick up Dale Carengie's book:  How to Win Friends and Influence People and take a refresher course.

This is a defining skill set - it may come easy to you or it might be hard work, but you can't ignore this if you want to be a leader.

It's not rocket science, All of Life can be reduced to Relationships (with PEOPLE)!

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