Although I'm not far into the book yet I've run across an interesting story told by the author of a time when he was in high school, attending a sports banquet. While going into the event and walking with his mother he passed some freshmen who greeted him with some admiration as he was a senior and would be receiving awards for his accomplishments. He passed off their comments and practically ignored them as he walked and talked with his mother. After they were gone, according to Manby, his mother stopped him and spoke to him sharply: "'You listen to me, young man,' she said, 'Every time you walk past someone you have an opportunity to make their day better or make their day worse. And I don't think you made their day better! Those boys clearly look up to you, and because of who you are in this school, you have an opportunity - no, an obligation - to try to make their day better, and certainly not to make it worse.'" (p. 53-54)
As I read that I felt the truth of this resonate within me. No matter who we are or where we are, we have an opportunity to make someone's day better or worse. It might take a smile or a word, but it is an obligation we must not shirk. This is my goal: to make sure I make someone's life better - EVERY DAY! It is an opportunity I welcome and an obligation I choose to embrace. It is not all about me . . . but about Him shining through me. I encourage you to join me.
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