Thursday, April 05, 2012

I have in my closet a plastic storage bin which started it's life as a CD storage box.  It has now become storage for a myriad of cables which have some computer or audio function.  When the cables were initially placed in the box they were all neatly coiled, but over time, and my rummaging through the box, well, let's just say neat is not the right word to describe the contents of the box. 

Lately I've been thinking about self-confidence and its place in leadership.  As I've contemplated this my mind turns to my box of cables and I see a connection (ha!).  Without self-confidence there can be no leadership and the level of leadership rises with self-confidence until the self-confidence turns to hubris, or excessive pride (c.f. Collins' book "How the Mighty Fall" for a good discussion on hubris).  In other words there is a complex intertwining of self-confidence with the function of leadership.

Unless I have some belief in my own decisions, opinions, or ability, I will not do or say anything which might incur ridicule or attack.  However, should I gain some confidence in my ability or knowledge, or opinion in any area I might take the risk of expressing myself.  How that is received can have a profound impact on my development as a leader.  If well received, I may grow more confident and more bold in my expression, eventually developing into a leader, if not well received, I will likely withdraw.

Now, if all this is true, then I have the power of fostering or squashing leadership, and that too comes from my own level self-confidence or the the excess of hubris.  Unfortunately those whose lives are examples of excessive pride rarely perceive their flaw and damage both organizations and people without regard.

I will think about this some more and post on this subject another time.

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