There is a passage in the book of Judges in the Old Testament which says "every man did right in his own eyes," with the emphasis (implied) on "in his own eyes." I interpret this to mean, and I think the context supports this interpretation, that doing the "right" thing and doing the "right thing by MY definition" are not necessarily the same thing. The adage "Might makes Right" is a falsehood spread by those who those who have the Might, i.e. power, and think it entitles them to determine the definition of right.
I think this harks back to the WIFM (What's in it for ME?) principle, or the Greatest Management Principle about which I've written quite a bit about before. MY interpretation of right is always going to have the flavor, if not the actual stink, of self interest. We might be able to separate ourselves from this influence briefly from time to time but without an external, and higher, standard of RIGHT that bias will eventually (and always) present itself.
With that being said, it IS possible to do RIGHT. To do the RIGHT I simply have to recognize that higher standard, which known by another name is God's LOVE, and act in accordance with that. Love which seeks the good for others ahead of our own. It really is LOVE which defines RIGHT. I actually wish this was simple, and certainly it is easier for those who have accepted Christ as Saviour in their lives, but even Christians can stumble in doing right if they lose sight of Love.
I've written before the we "leak," meaning that what we have learned, and thought we could never forget, slips away from us without a reminder from time to time. Please consider this a reminder to LOVE, and in so doing you will you will be doing RIGHT in God's eyes and will reap blessings in your soul . . . right?
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