Friday, March 04, 2011

Huntington County Leadership just finished the workshop I lead on teams.  I think teams can be one of the most challenging aspects of leadership regardless of your personality type or personal strengths, although the right mix of those can certainly help.  What makes it challenging is the necessity of constantly keeping in mind certain factors, while at the same time recognizing the diversity of personalities and strengths of others on the team. Factors which include:
  • focus on the goal
  • modeling collaborative behavior, including mining for conflict
  • modeling accountability for yourself and others in the group
  • keeping in mind the GMP  (see earlier posts for explanation) and it's impact on group effectiveness
  • embracing diversity instead of squashing it
I think it helps to discuss these factors and others, reminding ourselves of what we already know.  As I've said before, humans leak.  Or, to put it another way, "use it or lose it."  If you want to get better at leading teams the best way is to lead a team while networking with other leaders and/or read good books on teamwork.   We are all definitely a work in progress.


  1. Tabitha Brown9:19 PM

    I really enjoyed our class this past Wednesday. The exercise was very interesting. Having to use all of our strengths together was proven to be challenging at first..Once we all defined who needed to lead it went much more smoothly. Too many chiefs can cause many problems in the area of listening. Everyone had good value added points. However as a leader one must listen always. Thanks for the insight and I look forward to our next class!

  2. Chuck Werth2:04 PM

    I thought that the exercise was many things: exciting, stressful, challenging, annoying, and most of all enlightening. It really showed that for any problem a group must slow down before forging ahead into the fray. Identifying who would be best to lead from the group was imperative. Everyone brings certain strengths and weaknesses to every group. By identifying and of course utilizing each individuals strengths is a key component in accomplishing a goal efficiently. Once our group slowed down and identified those with the tools to lead our group, everything went much better.

    The other point that I wanted to make sure that I continue to keep at the forefront of my thinking as I continue this class: "All of life can be reduced to relationships." This is so true. See you later this week.

  3. Dave Bish2:36 PM

    I enjoyed the team workshop we completed in our most recent class. Reading and learning about leadership theory and pricipals is certainly very useful, but it is much more of a reality when we are forced to apply them like we were during the workshop. The difference between the first and second time we completed the rope square was substantial. It gave us a real word example of the difference applying what we are learning in this class can make. Hopefully the next time each of us are faced with a challenge we will remember the leadership principals the first time, instead of having to be reminded. Looking forward to seeing everyone later this week.
