Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I upload some notes I took with the logipen with no problems, simply connect to the computer with the included USB cable and select "Upload Notes" from the Logi Manage program.  I have to say how pleased I am with the easy transition from the device to the LogiManage program.  Even without checking the directions too much, it is pretty easy to navigate.  However, when trying to open in MS Word, the LogiManage states that no handwriting was detected and further research on the website shows that getting this to work in Windows 7 is complicated.  On the plus side, the company provides on the same installation disk as the LogiManage, a handwriting recognition package named: MyScript.  This did a pretty reasonable job in translating my handwriting (which is not too good) into text with some typical problems with 'o' and '0' and 'i' and 'j'.  I like that the capture actually clearly captures all my notes, drawings, etc. as I am a visual thinker and have left literally hundreds of profound thoughts and drawings on napkins across the country.  No more, this device and pen should be able to capture pretty much anything I create and faithfully bring it back to my computer.  So far I haven't found any easier way to move stuff to MS OneNote, which I think would be a real plus for this company.  What I have had to do is not too complicated (simple cut and paste) but it is an additional step which could be avoided.

So far, I am well pleased with how this test is going.

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