Wednesday, March 05, 2014


Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

Insanity is living anywhere the temperature drops to below 0 and stays there for days in a row.

Insanity is taking three or more young children grocery shopping . . . by yourself.

Insanity is expecting the world to treat you by any definition of the word fair.

Insanity is expecting your plan to come off without a hitch.

Insanity is expecting your life to work out according to your plan.

Insanity is. . .

Day by day we live within the boundaries set by our fears, our hope, our experiences, our education, our resources, and our ability to connect with those around us.  Our complexity insures a certain amount of insanity in each of our lives, as well as the possibility for greatness.  Dare I risk being different, doing something different, thinking differently?  Can I stretch beyond my familiar rut to see a bigger world?  If so, where do I begin?

Like so many who seek enlightenment, do I delude myself with a close-mindedness which purports to be liberal and tolerant but is in reality condemning, narrow, and intolerant; or the pendulum swing to the right into legalism and spiritual elitism?  Have I accepted insanity as the norm?  Dare I risk being different, doing something different, thinking differently?  Can I stretch beyond my familiar rut to see a bigger world?  If so, where do I begin?

Those who hope in (rest in, wait upon) the Lord shall renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Soar/Run/Walk  but first, hope/rest/wait ON GOD.

Insanity is expecting the world/your life to make sense apart from God.

Sanity starts as we risk hoping, resting in, waiting on God.

Sanity starts with the seemingly insane proposition that God so loved us that he allowed his only Son to die in our place so that if we believe we might have eternal life.

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