Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Character Ethic vs Personality Ethic

I will begin leading a new book study soon in collaboration with another young leader from National American University.  The study this time will be on Steve Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  As you may know from reading some of my previous posts, I am a big fan of this book.  I definitely believe this is one of the MOST important reads for anyone who hopes to be effective, especially for those who are or wish to be leaders.

I will be posting summaries of the study as the sessions progress so I won't say much about the book at this point except to look at the contrast posed by the statement in the title, which is also the theme of the first chapter of Covey's book.

Here is my question:  Do you know of anyone has risen to a level of influence, possibly even the top position of influence in your organization, who is a jerk?  If not at your institution, do you know someone who fits that description at an upper management level at another institution?  My guess is that the response is going to be nearly 100% YES!

I think, and I may be wrong, that the majority of those who are teaching that the only way to succeed is through character development, are people for whom character matters.  I also think, and our poll above bears this out, that there is a whole lot of people who succeed for inexplicable reasons in spite of being jerks. 

If this is so, and even a cursory glance will tell you this is true, then what is the value of Character Driven Leadership?

Is there a greater percentage of Character Driven Leaders? if so it is not obvious
Are they more wealthy?  no
Do they lead larger organizations?  no
Are they respected more?  yes by some, but no by others
Are they happier?  some would say yes, but other would say no

Then what is the difference?  The only obvious difference I can see is that as they lead they damage fewer people along the way.  Character Driven Leadership respects and values other people more than themselves and that is reflected in their decisions and demeanor.

I'm biased: I try to practice Character Driven leadership and want to believe that this is the only true way to get ahead, but I've seen too many of the other ilk, the jerks who have made it to high positions of leadership, to know that is not the case.  What I have to do then is examine what I mean by "getting ahead" for I think it is in this definition the answer is revealed.  And for me that means quality relationships are the way I am most like who I was created to be; in the image of God.  So, I choose to focus on a Character Ethic as the foundation for how I live and how I lead, and let God work out "getting ahead" piece.

Love to hear your thoughts - please feel free to post a comment.

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