Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Trust - the foundation of leadership

I saw this book summary about a new book which focuses on 8 pillars of trust (check out the link if you want to get the details) and thought it was worth a post.  Trust is not a new topic to this blog or to anyone familiar with leadership.  Trust truly is the foundation of leadership and most books which deal with the broad topic usually begin at this point.  The book referred to above uses a paradigm which may reinforce for some the basic tenants of trust and if so it would be a worthwhile addition to your library, especially if this is a challenge area in your life. 

What I find interesting is the devotion of an entire book to the subject.  It reinforces for me the thought that there must be a significant gap in our current culture or social gestalt that this book addresses.  This, then raises the question: has this gap always been present, or is our ignorance of this foundational character trait something relatively recent?  I suspect the answer could be traced through the news stories of scandal and unethical practices up to and including the recent troubles at the highest levels of the CIA, and whether or not such stories are on the rise.

For me this speaks to the larger question of values and a culture which is slipping away from the Judeao-Christian principles upon which it was based.  Too many disconnect their faith from their practice, even assuming there is a foundation of faith to begin with, which is increasingly unlikely.  Is there any wonder we need a book which focuses on trust?  And yet, how much hope can we hold out to appeal to an individual by saying that developing this character trait is in their best interest, when the appeal of other, more tangible and immediate pleasures are constantly available.  Can "trust" when separated from faith-based values truly win out over self?  I think for most, the answer is NO.

So, while I think there is value in this book, I would also refer you back to another book: the Bible and encourage you to make a connection with the One who can truly give you the big picture look at life, success, and what trust really means.

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